Курсеви по aнглиски
Courses for children and high school students
(Level А0)
- Траат една учебна година
(32 weeks) - Вклучуваат вкупно 128 часа.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
Овие подготвителни курсеви се наменети за деца од 5-7 години и се засновани на говорна интеракција со првично описменување. Децата го изучуваат јазикот спонтано преку ситуации, игри, приказни, песни и драматизации приспособени на нивната возраст и интереси.
(Levels A1 and A2)
- Траат една учебна година
(32 weeks) - Вклучуваат вкупно 128 часа.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
Students acquire elementary knowledge in the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. All of these courses have an interesting and highly motivational syllabus featuring information about the world and different cultures, presented in a varied and adequate manner.
(Levels B1 and B2)
- Траат една учебна година
(32 weeks) - Вклучуваат вкупно 128 часа.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
Курсевите го премостуваат јазот меѓу основното јазично познавање и компетентната јазична употреба и претставуваат постојана надградба не само на јазикот туку и на когнитивната зрелост. Особено внимание се посветува на презентирање на јазикот во автентичен и реален контекст. Сите јазични вештини и структури се вградени во наставниот план и програма.
(Levels C1 and C2)
- C1.1 and C2.1
Траат една учебна година (32 недели) - Вклучуваат вкупно 160 часа.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
These courses abound with topics and activities that expand the knowledge and encourage the use of language competently and independently by means of writing a variety of different text formats, having discussions, dialogues and debates, reading and listening to authentic materials, as well as revising and developing vocabulary.
C1.2 and C.2.2
- Траат една учебна година (32 недели)
- Вклучуваат вкупно 160 часа.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
- Модел тестовите се закажуваат во посебни термини.
Цена: 13 500 МКД за едно полугодие
These courses help candidates to acquire levels C1 and C2 by mastering all techniques to successfully pass the Cambridge English: Advanced и Cambridge English: Proficiency exams.
Courses for adults
(Levels A1 and A2)
А1.1/ А1.2/ А2.1 / А2.2
- Each course lasts one semester
(16 недели).Вклучуваат вкупно 80 часа. - The lessons are held twice a week.
(Levels B1 and B2)
- Each course lasts one semester
(16 недели). - There is a total of 80 lessons.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
(Levels C1 and C2)
- Each course lasts one semester
(16 недели). - There is a total of 80 lessons.
- The lessons are held twice a week.
Specialized courses
This course is designed for those who need to improve their business English and communication skills.
The course lasts 6 weeks with a total of 30 lessons.
English for journalists
This course focuses on specific terminology used by journalists, with particular emphasis on improving professional communication skills.
The course lasts 6 weeks with a total of 30 lessons.
Course in
Овој курс е наменет за слушатели кои имаат потреба од усовршување, утврдување и проширување на знаењата од областа на граматиката.
The course lasts 6 weeks with a total of 30 lessons.
Course in
This course is designed for those who need to improve their communication skills in English
and maintain efficient communication on a variety of topics.
The course lasts 6 weeks with a total of 30 lessons.
Language refresher course
This course is intended for students who need to establish and expand their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from various fields in order to refresh their knowledge of the English language.
Each course lasts 6 weeks and covers a total of 30 hours
Course according to your needs
LinguaLink customizes the curriculum and program according to your requirements and needs. Tell us what you need, and we will provide it. Hours are flexible.
Course in your premises
In order to meet your demands and needs, LinguaLink offers courses at your premises. The price and conditions are determined by agreement.
Individual teaching
Learn or improve your language skills in a way that suits you. Hours are flexible.
One-to-one lessons
One-to-one lessons
Learn or improve your language skills in a way that suits you. Hours are flexible.